Can L4 L5 Disc Bulge Get Back To Normal Again? Does L5 S1 Disc Bulge Get Back To Normal Again?

L4 L5 disc bulge and L5 S1 disc bulge are common types of disc injury. Many people are looking for L4 L5 disc bulge treatment without surgery or L4 L5 disc bulge treatment without medications. And many people ask me, “Can a disc bulge can get back to normal again?” In this video, I address…

How I Got Started In Chiropractic | 20th Anniversary | Dr. Walter Salubro Chiropractor in Vaughan

Today marks the 20th anniversary of my graduation from chiropractic college. I don’t normally open up like this, but today, in this video, I am inspired to share my story of how I got started in chiropractic and my journey over these past 20 years. I am looking forward to the next 20!

Treatment For SCIATICA Nerve Pain (2020) | Numbness, Tingling Of The Toes | Dr. Walter Salubro

In this video, you will where the sciatic nerve comes from and why sciatica is so painful. Also, you will learn one of the best sciatica treatment for sciatic nerve pain and sciatica pain relief. Sciatica exercises may help, like sciatica stretches. Sciatica relief for sciatica pain is more successful when you correct the underlying…

Dr. Walter Salubro Attends Corrective Chiropractic Care Training | Chiropractic BioPhysics | CBP

I attended a Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) training by Dr. Deed Harrison in Eagle Idaho. It’s the CBP Hands On Workhop. In this video, I go over the outline of the course description and training. We do Chiropractic BioPhysics technique in our office. CBP is a type of corrective care. There are 240 research publications on…

Correcting Structure to Improve Function: A Corrective Chiropractic Care Method

Vaughan, ON – Corrective Care Chiropractor in Vaughan Explains the Importance of Assessing Spine Structural Alignment and Posture to Address Function When a new patient first comes into my office for a check up, I assessed them for structure and function. Structure: Spine: The normal alignment of the spine is straight from the front and it has…



Chiropractic care is effective for treatment and relief of back pain, neck pain and headaches. Call (905) 303-1009 today to discover how. We use a systematic approach to examine and discover the underlying problem that’s causing you pain and give solutions to correct the problem. Our priority is getting you out of pain quickly so you…



Back To Health Chiropractic Centre uses corrective chiropractic techniques and approaches to examination, treatments and for measuring progress. Why corrective chiropractic care? A healthy spine and a normal posture is essential for optimal health.  The spine protects the nervous system, specifically the spinal cord.  The nervous system is the master system of your body, which controls and…